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The Hoop Shoot is Here!

The Woodbridge Elks Lodge 2116 Hoop Shoot is here!

Date: 12/04/2016 Type of Event: Hoop Shoot Lodge Number: 2116 Location: Woodbridge Community Center Time: 8:30 AM

The Hoop Shoot is A Free Throw Program for Youth Ages 8-13. The Hoop Shoot is free to all participants and provides youth an opportunity to compete, connect and succeed.

Hoop Shoot contests begin with Elks Lodges. Eligible youth may compete in one Lodge Contest per season. Lodge Contests are typically held between the months of September and December each year. Get in it to win it and contact an Elks Lodge near you!

After winning a Lodge Hoop Shoot Contest, local champions move on to compete at the district level. District Contests are coordinated by District Hoop Shoot Directors and generally occur between the months of December and January.

At the state level, Hoop Shoot contestants compete for a chance to become the number one free-throw-shooter in their home state! The Regional Semi-Finals are some of the most exciting Hoop Shoot contests of all! 288 State Champions compete in 12 different cities across the country for a chance to win the opportunity of a life time—a trip to the Hoop Shoot National Finals in Chicago, Illinois.

The Hoop Shoot National Finals are held in Chicago, Illinois. In the end, one boy and one girl from each age-group will win a national title and have their name inscribed into the Basketball Hall of Fame!

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Woodbridge Elks Lodge 2116

665 Rahway Ave, Woodbridge, NJ 07095

732-634-2116 (After 3:00 PM)

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